The Rescue-A-Life Foundation is a community-based non-profit 501(c)(3). We provide housing and supportive services to the justice-involved, homeless, veterans, and behavioral health populations.
Our Mission
Our mission is to serve persons in need who come to us for assistance, with compassion and understanding while supporting and promoting self-sufficiency. We believe every person should reside in a safe, nurturing environment, in joining with others to change systems which oppress, discriminate or otherwise cause human suffering, and to work towards affirming and supporting a healthy individual life. We believe the justice-involved and other disadvantaged populations should be able to live in security and dignity. We provide a variety of services supportive resources to needy and disadvantaged people that dignifies each individual while providing the needed tools to help extend independent living and promote physical and mental well being.
Our Team
The Foundation staff is a combination of persons with professional expertise and/or lived experience related to members of our target population.
Dwayne McElwee
Founder & CEO
Cornelius Edwards
Deputy Director
Robbie Pugh

We are inviting businesses, community organizations and individuals to participate and support the mission of our organization. The Foundation welcomes any assistance, whether it is monetary, in-kind goods, or volunteer services. All donations are used for the purpose of providing our clients with housing, assistance, and necessities. The Foundation is a 501(c)(3) charitable organization, EIN. 27-3642282. All donations are deemed tax deductible absent any limitation on deductions applicable to a particular tax payer.